Friday, April 9, 2010

The fat lady has sung...

It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings, they say. I’m not talking about the colloquialism here, rather the literal meaning of the proverb. Well, I’m hinting at the real life grand opera that had been running on media for the past few days – the Sania-Shoaib-Ayesha saga, that had the whole nation (2 nations, to be precise!) hooked and salivating for more. Indeed, the fat lady (no offense meant to Ayesha Siddiqui) is the one who has finally brought this opera to an end with her singing and is, apparently, laughing her way to the bank with whopping 15 crores in her kitty.

I’m not being judgemental about anyone out there. The truth is best known to the parties involved and the voyeurs will be left scratching the surface to unearth just the half-baked lies. But I will mince no words in voicing out my opinion that the real loser in this game has been Ms. Mirza! The only things she gained out of this are bad press, an opportunist husband and Biwi No. 2 tag!!!

She is a national icon and should have dealt with it more maturely, rather than giggling along with her hubby-to-be on national TV as he went on lying through his teeth. Now he is eating his words and the hopelessly-in-love bride is looking for avenues to avoid media glare on the issue. Maybe one of those occasions when you feel this is the hefty price a celebrity like you has to pay for the public adulation.

Never mind, the storm is over now. The fat lady has brought the curtains down for ushering the artists of the next drama titled ‘The big fat Mirza wedding’. I can just wish them a 'pinklicious' series ahead! :)


SS said...

Nice read. Loved the third paragraph most...

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